Sunday, June 17, 2012

At The Doctor's Office -Phrases of the Week

Où avez-vous mal? (ooh ah vay voo mahl) -Where does it hurt?
Là, vous avez mal? (lah vooz ah vay mahl) -Does this hurt?
Tirez la langue (teer ay lah lahng) -Stick out your tongue.
Toussez (too say) -Cough
Inspirez profondément (een spee ray proh fahnd mahn) -Take a deep breath
Est-ce que vous êtes allergique? (ess keh vooz eht ahl lurr zheek) -Do you have any allergies?
Vous n'avez rien de grave (voo nah vay ree ehn deh grahv) -It's nothing serious
Je vous prescris quelque chose (zhuh voo preh skree kell kuh shohz) -I will prescribe something for you

Saturday, June 16, 2012

At The Doctor's Office -Phrases of the Week

Où avez-vous mal? (ooh ah vay voo mahl) -Where does it hurt?
Là, vous avez mal? (lah vooz ah vay mahl) -Does this hurt?
Tirez la langue (teer ay lah lahng) -Stick out your tongue.
Toussez (too say) -Cough
Inspirez profondément (een spee ray proh fahnd mahn) -Take a deep breath
Est-ce que vous êtes allergique? (ess keh vooz eht ahl lurr zheek) -Do you have any allergies?
Vous n'avez rien de grave (voo nah vay ree ehn deh grahv) -It's nothing serious
Je vous prescris quelque chose (zhuh voo preh skree kell kuh shohz) -I will prescribe something for you

Children's Phrase of the Day -We're Off To See The Wizard

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Walking Phrases of the Week

marcher (mahr shay) -to walk

je marche (zhuh mahrsh) -I walk, I am walking
tu marches (too mahrsh) - You walk, you are walking (speaking to a friend or family member)
il marche (eel mahrsh) -he walks, he is walking
elle marche (ell mahrsh) - she walks, she is walking
nous marchons (noo mahr shohn) -we walk, we are walking
vous marchez (voo mahr shay) you walk, you are walking (speaking to someone you don't know well)
ils marchent (eel mahrsh) -they walk, they are walking (speaking about a group of men or a mixed group of men & women
elles marchent (ell mahrsh) -they walk, they are walking (speaking about a group of women only)

Je marche à la banque (zhuh mahrsh ah lah bahnk) -I am walking to the bank
ils marchent à la plage (eel mahrsh ah lah plahz) -They are walking to the beach
nous marchons à l'hotel (noo mahr shohn ah loh tell) - We are walking to the hotel
il marche dans le parc (eel mahrsh dahn leh pahrk) -He is walking in the park
tu marches à l'école? (too mahrsh ah lay kohl) you are walking to school?

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Walking Phrases of the Week

marcher (mahr shay) -to walk

je marche (zhuh mahrsh) -I walk, I am walking
tu marches (too mahrsh) - You walk, you are walking (speaking to a friend or family member)
il marche (eel mahrsh) -he walks, he is walking
elle marche (ell mahrsh) - she walks, she is walking
nous marchons (noo mahr shohn) -we walk, we are walking
vous marchez (voo mahr shay) you walk, you are walking (speaking to someone you don't know well)
ils marchent (eel mahrsh) -they walk, they are walking (speaking about a group of men or a mixed group of men & women
elles marchent (ell mahrsh) -they walk, they are walking (speaking about a group of women only)

Je marche à la banque (zhuh mahrsh ah lah bahnk) -I am walking to the bank
ils marchent à la plage (eel mahrsh ah lah plahz) -They are walking to the beach
nous marchons à l'hotel (noo mahr shohn ah loh tell) - We are walking to the hotel
il marche dans le parc (eel mahrsh dahn leh pahrk) -He is walking in the park
tu marches à l'école? (too mahrsh ah lay kohl) you are walking to school?

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My Mistake

My Mistake

One of the followers here pointed out that I was mistaken on the Vocabulary word on June 1.

une surrure (oon seh rurr) refers to a keyhole lock

whereas the picture I showed was a padlock which is un cadenas (uhn kah deh nah)
I have changed it below