Sunday, December 30, 2012

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Quel jour sommes-nous aujourd'hui? (kell sohm noo oh zhoor dwee) -What day is it (literally: What day are we today)

Hier, nous étions samedi (nooz ay tee ohn sah meh dee) -Yesterday was Saturday
Nous sommes dimanche (noo sohm dimanche) -Today is Sunday
Demain, nous serons lundi (deh mahn noo seh rohn luhn dee) -Tomorrow is Monday

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Quel jour sommes-nous aujourd'hui? (kell sohm noo oh zhoor dwee) -What day is it (literally: What day are we today)

Hier, nous étions samedi (nooz ay tee ohn sah meh dee) -Yesterday was Saturday
Nous sommes dimanche (noo sohm dimanche) -Today is Sunday
Demain, nous serons lundi (deh mahn noo seh rohn luhn dee) -Tomorrow is Monday

Monday, December 24, 2012

What Time Are You Coming Home?

A quelle heure rentres-tu à la maison (ah kell heure rehnt too ah lah may zahn) -What time are you coming home 

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sitting -Verb of the Week

asseoir (ah swah) -to sit

J'assieds (jah see ehd) - I am sitting
Tu assieds (too ah see ehd) -You are sitting (when speaking to a friend or family member)
il assied (eel ah see ehd) He is sitting
Elle assied (ell ah see ehd) -She is sitting
Nous asseyons (booz ah say ohn) -We are sitting
Vous asseyez (vooz ah say ay) -You are sitting (when speaking to someone you don't know well)
ils asseyent (eelz ah say) -They are sitting (when speaking of an all male or mixed male & female group)
Elles asseyent (ellz ah say) -They are sitting (when speaking of an all female group)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sitting -Verb of the Week

asseoir (ah swah) -to sit

J'assieds (jah see ehd) - I am sitting
Tu assieds (too ah see ehd) -You are sitting (when speaking to a friend or family member)
il assied (eel ah see ehd) He is sitting
Elle assied (ell ah see ehd) -She is sitting
Nous asseyons (booz ah say ohn) -We are sitting
Vous asseyez (vooz ah say ay) -You are sitting (when speaking to someone you don't know well)
ils asseyent (eelz ah say) -They are sitting (when speaking of an all male or mixed male & female group)
Elles asseyent (ellz ah say) -They are sitting (when speaking of an all female group)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Where Can I Buy...-Phrases of the Week

Où puis-je acheter de l’aspirine? (oo pwee zhuh ah shah tay deh lah speer een) -Where can I buy some Aspirin?
Où puis-je acheter un journal? (oo pwee zhuh ah shah tay uhn zhoor nahl) -Where can I buy a newspaper?
Où puis-je acheter des timbres? (oo pwee zhuh ah shah tay day teem bruh) -Where can I buy some stamps?
Où puis-je acheter du pain? (oo pwee zhuh ah shah tay doo pahn) -Where can I buy some bread?
Où puis-je acheter des billets? (oo pwee zhuh ah shah tay day bee yay) -Where can I buy some tickets?

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Easy Vocabulary Word of the Day -Zoo

Where Can I Buy... -Phrases of the Week

Où puis-je acheter de l’aspirine? (oo pwee zhuh ah shah tay deh lah speer een) -Where can I buy some Aspirin?
Où puis-je acheter un journal? (oo pwee zhuh ah shah tay uhn zhoor nahl) -Where can I buy a newspaper?
Où puis-je acheter des timbres? (oo pwee zhuh ah shah tay day teem bruh) -Where can I buy some stamps?
Où puis-je acheter du pain? (oo pwee zhuh ah shah tay doo pahn) -Where can I buy some bread?
Où puis-je acheter des billets? (oo pwee zhuh ah shah tay day bee yay) -Where can I buy some tickets?

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Forgetfullness -Phrases of the Week

J'ai oublié... (zhay ooh blee ay) -I forgot...

J'ai oublié mes clés (zhay ooh blee ay may klay) -my keys
J'ai oublié de laver le linge (zhay ooh blee ay deh lah vay leh leeng) -to wash the clothes
J'ai completement oublié (zhay kohm pleh teh mahnt ooh blee ay) -I completely forgot
J'ai oublié de te demander... (zhay ooh blee ay deh teh day mahn day) -I forgot to ask you...
Tu n'oublie jamais (too noo blee zhah may) -Never forget (when speaking to a friend or family member)
Vous n'oubliez jamais (voo noo blee ay zhah may) -never forget (when speaking to someone you don't know well)
Jamais oublier (zhah may ooh blee ay) -never forget
il n'y a pas de quoi (eel nee yah pah deh kwah) -forget it, don't mention it

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Forgetfullness -Phrases of the Week

J'ai oublié... (zhay ooh blee ay) -I forgot...

J'ai oublié mes clés (zhay ooh blee ay may klay) -my keys
J'ai oublié de laver le linge (zhay ooh blee ay deh lah vay leh leeng) -to wash the clothes
J'ai completement oublié (zhay kohm pleh teh mahnt ooh blee ay) -I completely forgot
J'ai oublié de te demander... (zhay ooh blee ay deh teh day mahn day) -I forgot to ask you...
Tu n'oublie jamais (too noo blee zhah may) -Never forget (when speaking to a friend or family member)
Vous n'oubliez jamais (voo noo blee ay zhah may) -never forget (when speaking to someone you don't know well)
Jamais oublier (zhah may ooh blee ay) -never forget
il n'y a pas de quoi (eel nee yah pah deh kwah) -forget it, don't mention it

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Which Way?

Par où est-ce? (pahr ooh ess) -Which way is it?

Par ici (par ee see) -this way
Par là (pahr lah) -that way
Par là-bas (pahr lah bah) -Over that way
C'est par ici (say pahr ee see) -It's this way
Là-bas (lah bah) -Over there

Children's Phrase of the Day - We Ate Turkey For Thanksgiving

Saturday, November 17, 2012

In Front Of -Phrases for the Week

devant (deh vahn) -in front of

Je suis debout devant la banque. (zhuh swee deh boo deh vsahn lah bahnk) -I am standing in front of the bank.
Il travaille devant la télévision. (eel trah vah ee deh vahn lah tay lay vee zhee ohn) -I am working in front of the television
Elle est assis devant le café. (ell eht ah see deh vahn leh kah fay) -She is sitting in front of the cafe.
Ils attendent devant l'épicerie. (eelz ah tahn dahn deh vahn lay pee surr ee) -They are waiting in front of the grocery store.
Nous sommes debout devahnt l'église. (noo sohm deboot deh vahn lay gleez) -We are standing in front of the church.

Monday, November 12, 2012

In Front Of -Phrases of the Week

devant (deh vahn) -in front of

Je suis debout devant la banque. (zhuh swee deh boo deh vsahn lah bahnk) -I am standing in front of the bank.
Il travaille devant la télévision. (eel trah vah ee deh vahn lah tay lay vee zhee ohn) -I am working in front of the television
Elle est assis devant le café. (ell eht ah see deh vahn leh kah fay) -She is sitting in front of the cafe.
Ils attendent devant l'épicerie. (eelz ah tahn dahn deh vahn lay pee surr ee) -They are waiting in front of the grocery store.
Nous sommes debout devahnt l'église. (noo sohm deboot deh vahn lay gleez) -We are standing in front of the church.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thinking -Verb of the Week

je pense (zhuh pahnce)-I think, I am thinking
tu penses (tu pahnce)-You think, you are thinking (when talking to a friend or family member)
il pense (eel pahnce)-He thinks, he is thinking
elle pense (ell pahnce)-She thinks, she is thinking
nous pensons (noo pahn sohn)-We think, we are thinking
vous pensez (voo pahn say)-You think, you are thinking (when talking to someone you don't know well)
ils pensent (eel pahnce)-They think, they are thinking (when talking about a group of males or a mixed group of male & females)
elles pensent (ell pahnce) -They think, they are thinking (when talking about a group of females only)

Que penses-tu qu'il va arriver? (keh pahnce too keel vah ah ree vay) -What do you think will happen?
Je pense que je vais aller à l'épicerie maintenant (zhuh pahnce keh zhuh vay ah lay ah lay pee soor ee may teh nahn)-I think I'll go to the grocery store now.
Je pense que nous devrions prendre cette route (zhuh pahnce keh noo deh vree ohn prahn druh seht root) -I think we should take that road.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thinking - Verb of the Week

je pense (zhuh pahnce)-I think, I am thinking
tu penses (tu pahnce)-You think, you are thinking (when talking to a friend or family member)
il pense (eel pahnce)-He thinks, he is thinking
elle pense (ell pahnce)-She thinks, she is thinking
nous pensons (noo pahn sohn)-We think, we are thinking
vous pensez (voo pahn say)-You think, you are thinking (when talking to someone you don't know well)
ils pensent (eel pahnce)-They think, they are thinking (when talking about a group of males or a mixed group of male & females)
elles pensent (ell pahnce) -They think, they are thinking (when talking about a group of females only)

Que penses-tu qu'il va arriver? (keh pahnce too keel vah ah ree vay) -What do you think will happen?
Je pense que je vais aller à l'épicerie maintenant (zhuh pahnce keh zhuh vay ah lay ah lay pee soor ee may teh nahn)-I think I'll go to the grocery store now.
Je pense que nous devrions prendre cette route (zhuh pahnce keh noo deh vree ohn prahn druh seht root) -I think we should take that road.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Quick Phrase of the Day - I Am Wearing Sunglasses Because...

Je porte des lunettes de soleil parce qu'il y a du soleil. (zhuh pohrt day loo neht deh soh lay pahrce keel ee ah doo soh lay) -I am wearing sunglasses because it is sunny.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

"Not" Phrases of the Week

Some simple phrases with "pas" (pah) -not:

Ce n'est pas bon (seh nay pah bohn) -It's not good
Ce n'est pas mal (seh nay pah mahl) -It's not bad
Ce n'est pas ici (seh nay pahz eeh see) -It's not here
Pas trop (pah troh) -not too much
Pas trop vite (pah troh veet) -not too fast
Pas assez (pahz ah say) -not enough
Pas encore (pahz ahn kohr) -not yet
Pas du tout (pah doo too) -not at all

Saturday, October 20, 2012

"Not" Phrases of the Week

Some simple phrases with "pas" (pah) -not:

Ce n'est pas bon (seh nay pah bohn) -It's not good
Ce n'est pas mal (seh nay pah mahl) -It's not bad
Ce n'est pas ici (seh nay pahz eeh see) -It's not here
Pas trop (pah troh) -not too much
Pas trop vite (pah troh veet) -not too fast
Pas assez (pahz ah say) -not enough
Pas encore (pahz ahn kohr) -not yet
Pas du tout (pah doo too) -not at all

Sunday, October 14, 2012

How Often Phrases

D'habitude (dah bee tood) -usually
souvent (soo vahn) -often
rarement (rehr mahn) -rarely
tous les jours (too lay zhoor) -everyday
toujours (too zhoor) -always

Je prends toujours le petit déjeuner (zhuh prahn too zhoor leh peh tee day zhuh nay) -I always eat breakfast
Elle prend rarement un petit-déjeuner. (ell prahn rehr mahn uhn peh tee day zhuh nay) -She rarely eats breakfast.
D'habitude, nous bouvons du lait (dah bee tood noo boo vohn doo lay) -Usually, we drink milk.
Je vais souvent au cinéma (zhuh vay soo vahn oh see nay mah) -I often go to the movies.
Ils regardent la télévision tous les jours (eel reh gahrd lah tay lay vee zhee ohn too lay zhoor) -They watch TV everyday

Saturday, October 13, 2012

How Often Phrases

D'habitude (dah bee tood) -usually
souvent (soo vahn) -often
rarement (rehr mahn) -rarely
tous les jours (too lay zhoor) -everyday
toujours (too zhoor) -always

Je prends toujours le petit déjeuner (zhuh prahn too zhoor leh peh tee day zhuh nay) -I always eat breakfast
Elle prend rarement un petit-déjeuner. (ell prahn rehr mahn uhn peh tee day zhuh nay) -She rarely eats breakfast.
D'habitude, nous bouvons du lait (dah bee tood noo boo vohn doo lay) -Usually, we drink milk.
Je vais souvent au cinéma (zhuh vay soo vahn oh see nay mah) -I often go to the movies.
Ils regardent la télévision tous les jours (eel reh gahrd lah tay lay vee zhee ohn too lay zhoor) -They watch TV everyday

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How Often Phrases

D'habitude (dah bee tood) -usually
souvent (soo vahn) -often
rarement (rehr mahn) -rarely
tous les jours (too lay zhoor) -everyday
toujours (too zhoor) -always

Je prends toujours le petit déjeuner (zhuh prahn too zhoor leh peh tee day zhuh nay) -I always eat breakfast
Elle prend rarement un petit-déjeuner. (ell prahn rehr mahn uhn peh tee day zhuh nay) -She rarely eats breakfast.
D'habitude, nous bouvons du lait (dah bee tood noo boo vohn doo lay) -Usually, we drink milk.
Je vais souvent au cinéma (zhuh vay soo vahn oh see nay mah) -I often go to the movies.
Ils regardent la télévision tous les jours (eel reh gahrd lah tay lay vee zhee ohn too lay zhoor) -They watch TV everyday

Sunday, October 7, 2012

My, Your, His, Her, Our, Their (part 3)

Okay we learned in the last 2 weeks the way to say My, Your, His, Her, Our, Their, with singular nouns both male & female. Today we are going to learn how to say them with plural nouns.

mes (may) my
tes (tay) your
ses (say) his/her
nos (noh) our
vos (voh) your
leurs (loor) their

mes livres (may lee vruh) -my books
tes tantes (tay tahnt) -your aunts
ses stylos (say stee loh) -his/her pens
nos voitures (noh vwah churr) -our cars
vos livres (voh lee vruh) -your books
leurs crayons (loor kray ohn) -their pencils

With plural nouns it doesn't matter if the word is male or female. You use the same mes, tes, ses, nos, vos, leurs with any gender word.

tes is used to only when addressing children, relatives, or close friends.

tes tantes (tay tahnt) -your aunts
tes cousins (tay koo zahn) -your cousins
tes enfants (tayz ahn fahnt) your children

vos is used with objects

vos stylos (voh stee loh) your pens
vos livres (voh lee vruh) -your books
vos voitures (voh vwah churr) -your cars

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Vocabulary Word of the Day -Cemetary

My, Your, His, Her, Our, Their (part 3)

Okay we learned in the last 2 weeks the way to say My, Your, His, Her, Our, Their, with singular nouns both male & female. Today we are going to learn how to say them with plural nouns.

mes (may) my
tes (tay) your
ses (say) his/her
nos (noh) our
vos (voh) your
leurs (loor) their

mes livres (may lee vruh) -my books
tes tantes (tay tahnt) -your aunts
ses stylos (say stee loh) -his/her pens
nos voitures (noh vwah churr) -our cars
vos livres (voh lee vruh) -your books
leurs crayons (loor kray ohn) -their pencils

With plural nouns it doesn't matter if the word is male or female. You use the same mes, tes, ses, nos, vos, leurs with any gender word.

tes is used to only when addressing children, relatives, or close friends.

tes tantes (tay tahnt) -your aunts
tes cousins (tay koo zahn) -your cousins
tes enfants (tayz ahn fahnt) your children

vos is used with objects

vos stylos (voh stee loh) your pens
vos livres (voh lee vruh) -your books
vos voitures (voh vwah churr) -your cars

Sunday, September 30, 2012

My, Your, His, Her, Our, Their (part 2)

Possesive Adjectives: My, Your, His, Her, Our, Their

Part two of this lesson started will deal with single feminine words:

For feminine singuar words:
my -ma (ma) ma table (ma tah bluh) -my table
your -ta (tohn) ta tante (tah tahnt) -your aunt
his, her -sa (sah) sa bicyclette (sah bee see kleht) -his, her bicycle
our -notre (noh truh) notre carte (noh truh kahrt) -our menu
your -votre (voh truh) votre table (voh truh tah bluh) - your table
their -leur (loor) leur voiture (loor vwah churr) -their car

As you can see notre, votre, & leur are used for both male & female singular words.

Now a tricky part. With feminine singular words that begin with a vowel or an "h", you would not use ma, sa, or ta.
You would use the mon, son, & ton form. So even though the word maybe feminine, you would use the masculine
possesive adjective to describe it:

mon amie (mohn amie) my female friend
ton ècole (tohn ay kohl) your school
son histoire (sohn ees twah) -his, her story

ta is used when refering to a feminine relative or close friend:
ta tante (tah tahnt) -your aunt
ta sœur (tah soor) -your sister
ta mère (tah mehr) -your mother

votre is used with feminine singular objects:
votre voiture (voh truh vwah churr) -your car
votre table (voh truh tah bluh) -your table
votre bicyclette (voh truh bee see kleht) -your bicycle

Part 3 will be posted next week

Saturday, September 29, 2012

My, Your, His, Her, Our, Their (part 2)

Possesive Adjectives: My, Your, His, Her, Our, Their

Part two of this lesson started will deal with single feminine words:

For feminine singuar words:
my -ma (ma) ma table (ma tah bluh) -my table
your -ta (tohn) ta tante (tah tahnt) -your aunt
his, her -sa (sah) sa bicyclette (sah bee see kleht) -his, her bicycle
our -notre (noh truh) notre carte (noh truh kahrt) -our menu
your -votre (voh truh) votre table (voh truh tah bluh) - your table
their -leur (loor) leur voiture (loor vwah churr) -their car

As you can see notre, votre, & leur are used for both male & female singular words.

Now a tricky part. With feminine singular words that begin with a vowel or an "h", you would not use ma, sa, or ta.
You would use the mon, son, & ton form. So even though the word maybe feminine, you would use the masculine
possesive adjective to describe it:

mon amie (mohn amie) my female friend
ton ècole (tohn ay kohl) your school
son histoire (sohn ees twah) -his, her story

ta is used when refering to a feminine relative or close friend:
ta tante (tah tahnt) -your aunt
ta sœur (tah soor) -your sister
ta mère (tah mehr) -your mother

votre is used with feminine singular objects:
votre voiture (voh truh vwah churr) -your car
votre table (voh truh tah bluh) -your table
votre bicyclette (voh truh bee see kleht) -your bicycle

Part 3 will be posted next week

Saturday, September 22, 2012

My, Your, His, Her, Our, Their (part 1)

Possesive Adjectives: My, Your, His, Her, Our, Their

Part one of this lesson will deal with single mascuine words:

For masculine singuar words:
my -mon (mohn) mon stylo (mohn stee loh) -my pencil
your -ton (tohn) ton oncle (tohn ohn kluh) -your uncle
his, her -son (sohn) son livre (sohn lee vruh) -his, her book
our -notre (noh truh) notre taxi (noh truh tahk see) -our taxi
your -votre (voh truh) votre livre (voh truh lee vruh) - your book
their -leur (loor) leur crayon (loor kray ohn) -their pencil
(you will learn later on that notre, votre & leur is also used for feminine words. We will go into that on Thursday)

ton is used when refering to a masculine relative or close friend:
ton oncle (tohn ohn kluh) -your uncle
ton frère (tohn frehr) -your brother
ton père (tohn pehr) -your father

votre is used with masculine singular objects:
votre crayon (voh truh kray ohn) -your pencil
votre stylo (voh truh stee loh) -your pen
votre livre (voh truh lee vruh) -your book

Part 2 will be posted next week

Sunday, September 16, 2012


j'ai loué (zhay loo ay) -I rented
tu as loué (too ah loo ay) - You rented (speaking to a friend or family member)
il a loué (eel ah loo ay) -He rented
elle a loué (ell ah loo ay) -She rented
nous avons loué (nooz ah vohn loo ay) -We rented
vous avez loué (vooz ah vay loo ay) -You rented (speaking to someone you don't know well)
ils ont loué (eel zohnt loo ay) -They rented (speaking of a an all male or a mixed male & female group)
elles ont loué (ell zohnt loo ay) - They rented (speaking of a an all female group)

J'ai loué une bicyclette (zhay loo ay oon bee see kleht) -I rented a bicycle
il a loué une maison (eel ah loo ay oon may zohn) -He rented a house
nous avons loué un bateau la semaine dernière (nooz ah vohn loo ay lah seh mayn durr nee ehr) -We rented a boat last week

Children's Phrase of the Day - I Am Swimming

Saturday, September 15, 2012


j'ai loué (zhay loo ay) -I rented
tu as loué (too ah loo ay) - You rented (speaking to a friend or family member)
il a loué (eel ah loo ay) -He rented
elle a loué (ell ah loo ay) -She rented
nous avons loué (nooz ah vohn loo ay) -We rented
vous avez loué (vooz ah vay loo ay) -You rented (speaking to someone you don't know well)
ils ont loué (eel zohnt loo ay) -They rented (speaking of a an all male or a mixed male & female group)
elles ont loué (ell zohnt loo ay) - They rented (speaking of a an all female group)

J'ai loué une bicyclette (zhay loo ay oon bee see kleht) -I rented a bicycle
il a loué une maison (eel ah loo ay oon may zohn) -He rented a house
nous avons loué un bateau la semaine dernière (nooz ah vohn loo ay lah seh mayn durr nee ehr) -We rented a boat last week